The Yorkie Ranch


From I-40 exit #84
Go North 1/2 mile to Stop Sign
Turn West(left) go 1/2 mile
(Road curves north)
Go 1 mile to a 4-way stop
Continue going North another 1/2 mile to a 3-rail white fence. Yorkie Ranch sign on left
Turn West(left) by the Yorkie Ranch sign on a black top driveway
Go to 1st driveway on the right
(Tan house with a Black roof)
You will see a small black and white “Yorkie Ranch” sign at the entrance of driveway. Drive around the house to the grey building with black front

(GPS will send you south of interstate but you need to go north. We are about 1/2 mi north of city limits, north of golf course.)

(Map below is pinned to correct location)